Tuesday 18 March 2014

Hi Everyone!

Philippians 2:10

'At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth!'
There is so much power in the name of JESUS. If we feel frightened, alone or confused just call on his name to help you in time of trouble. Jesus is Lord and he is our KING. One day the whole world will see Jesus for who he really is, and then all of us will bow before him and confess that he is Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour.

Speak out his wonderful name, and he will help you out in time of trouble, or when you do not know what to pray just say his name and he will know what is in your heart.

Jesus will always be our King and one day the whole world will see it to. Jesus loves all of us and he does not want anybody to not go to heaven one day, he wants every single one of us with him, but then we have to confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord and saviour of our life, and that he died for our sins so that we can be set free from this fallen world.

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