Monday 2 June 2014

Hi Everyone!

2 Samuel 22:47
'The Lord lives! Praise to my Rock! May God, the Rock of my salvation, be exalted!'

The Lord Jesus is my rock, he is my Lord that lives and loves me unconditionally! He is the rock of my salvation, and i will praise him for that! We must praise him for his goodness towards us.

The Lord wants to be our rock, he is our only salvation, he is our way to life everlasting. There is no other way than through our Lord Jesus Christ to eternal life.

He is your rock, your only secure rock on which you can stand securely. He is faithful and will be with you till the end of age, your can rely on your rock to get you through everything that you have to face. Jesus is faithful until the end of time, you can stand secure with him by your side.

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