Sunday, 1 June 2014

Hi Everyone!

Genesis 28:15
'I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.'

The Lord loves us, he watches over us and he will never leave us, he loves us so much that he will never forsake and never leave you alone!

He will not leave you until he has done what he has promised you, he looks out for you and he hears you when you call to him for help.

The Lord will be with you until the end of the age. He will work with you to get you at the place where he wants you to be at. The Lord never breaks promises, he is a God who listens and a God who will never break a promise to you, all his promises will be fulfilled. He is a God that you can trust as he will never let you down. People will hurt you but the Lord will always be there for you and he will help you, he will pick you up when you fall and look after you like a father does with his child.

Do not be afraid or anxious about anything as the Lord Jesus will help you and watch over you, he will not let any evil come close to you, he will bring you back to where he wants to use you. The Lord Jesus will not leave you until he has fulfilled every promise that he has made to you. Look up to the Lord Jesus and keep your eyes fixed on him and then you will never be let down.

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