Tuesday 17 June 2014

Hi Everyone!

Acts 9:18
'Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again.'


We should ask the Lord to show us the way we should go, he should take away anything that might block our way to see clearly.

God will never give up on us, he will never leave us and he will never forsake us. We can bodly go to the Lord,we can go to his throne and ask him and he will show us the way we should go. He will let the scales fall off from your eyes so that you can see the light! Then you can see the direction in which you are suppose to go.

We might not always understand everything that goes on but the Lord will give us the wisdom to know the direction that we should take.

Lord Jesus we pray that you will let the scales fall off from our eyes so that we can see the direction in which we should go. Let our eyes be open to your light, let your light shine through us. We ask this in Jesus name, Amen!

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