Thursday 29 May 2014

Hi Everyone!

The Lord is our comforter, if we are sad and feel alone Jesus is the one and only person we can run to for comfort.

Jesus will always listen to you, comfort you, support you and he is your best friend. We can talk to Jesus any time we want to and he will listen and he will hear our cry for help, he will always be there.

He is your helper, your sheperd, your comforter and your best friend, the only friend that will always listen to you, that will always care for you. Jesus loves you and remember that he handpicked you to be his child, to be a child of a King and that is something that no one else can give you, his love for you is unconditional.

Thank you Jesus that when i feel alone and sad you are there with me to help me and to listen to me, thank you that you are my best friend, thank you that you care enough that you call me your child and that you died for me on the cross so that i can be with you one day in paradise!

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