Monday 5 May 2014

Hi Everyone!

Psalm 98:4
'Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Break forth into joyful songs of praise!'

We can be so glad to have a God that really loves us!

Jesus will do anything for us, he will never leave us and will always be there to listen to us. When he see's you he see a child that he loves with all his heart, he is sad when you are sad, happy when you are happy, he will do anything for us that is how much he loves us, he even died for us on the cross!

Be joyful, sing and praise him for all that he has done for you, rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ! Be glad and rejoice in him!

Jesus see's a heart that is grateful and full of love for him, he only want what is best for us and will not let you go through anything on your own, he will give you the strength to handle everything that you have to go through.

Sing praises and make a joyful noise, he will answer your prayers!

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