Thursday 8 May 2014

Hi Everyone!

Psalm 16:11
'You make known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.'

The Lord has a plan for your life, he wants to fill you with his presence, then you will have an overflowing of joy when you are in his presence.

There is a fulness of joy when you get to know the Lord Jesus, it is a joy that only he can give you. The Lord Jesus is good to us all the time, we should just accept his love and his forgiveness, it is ours to take.

The Lord has set a path in front of all of us, we should listen to his voice, he will lead you on the right path. He has so many good things for us in store, we will never be alone and that we can be sure of, he will always be with you that is a promise that the Lord made. Do not be afraid to walk your path, the Lord will be with you to walk it with you, we will never ever be able to walk our path on this falllen world on our own. Put all your trust in Jesus and he will show you the way!

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