Sunday 19 January 2014

Good day to everyone!

2 Chronicles 16:9
'For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him.'

We must trust in the Lord, he will strengthen us! That is so remarkable that he will always be there for all of us, he will even strenthen us when we are weak.

Our hearts must be fully commited to the Lord Jesus. The Lord is faithful and just and he will protect us from the evil one. The devil is fighting us because we are so strong through the  Lord Jesus Christ that gives us everything we need.

The Lord our God will be with us wherever we may go and will never abandon us, so we do not have to be afraid or discouraged when our hearts are troubled and when nothing seems to be going right.

Our eyes must be fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ!

Have a lovely day!

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