Tuesday 29 April 2014

Hi Everyone!

Colossians 1:11
'You are being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might, so that you might patiently endure everything with joy.'

The Lord will strenthen us with his power and with his might! God wants to strengthen us with his power so that we can face every trial that we have to face with his power and with his might!

The Lord wants to be our strength in times of trouble, he wants us to be filled with joy!

The Lord will not abandon us to face all of our struggles on our own, he wants us to give all of our burdens to him so that he can carry them for us so that our load can be lighter, so that we might patiently endure everything with joy!

When the Lord strengthen us , then will we be able to face all of our struggles with the Lord's help!

The Lord will never leave us, he will never forsake us, so wait patiently for the Lord so that you can endure everything with joy, even in your struggle!

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