Monday 14 April 2014

Hi Everyone!

Romans 5:8
'God showed His great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.'

God loves us so much that he gave his only son to die for all of us so that we can be forgiven and be set free from all of our sin, it is the most incredible thing that anyone will ever do for you!

We do not deserve this but because of God's love for us Jesus made it possible so that we can be forgiven and be with him in paradise one day! 

Jesus loves all of his children, that is what God's love does -  he died for us while we all were still sinners in the Lord's eyes. Jesus washed us from all of our sin. We do not have to feel guilty anymore. If we repent and ask for forgiveness we are forgiven.

Remember just how much Jesus loves you -  he died for you! Jesus handpicked you to be his child!

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