Sunday 13 April 2014

Hi Everyone!

Philippians 3:20
'But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there!'

We have a home, this is our temporary home but our real home awaits for us in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ!

Jesus will one day come and fetch all of his children to be with him in paradise. I cannot wait for that day to come but we still have a job here on earth to do, and that is to tell other people about Jesus Christ! We must share the gospel to the whole world!

Heaven will be unlike anything that we can describe. It will be a place where there is Love, unconditionally. There will be peace, no more tears or sickness. No more death, only life, we will be with the Lord for eternity.

So make your light shine for Jesus so that other people can see him in you, and follow him because of your example!

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